Friday 29 April 2011

Bellagio, day 2

Another wonderful day.  We went into the town today to have a bit of a wander around. We planned to go for only a little while before undertaking a longer walk to other places of interest. Well, as they say, the best laid plans... It took us almost an hour just to walk through the first street in Bellagio. Here’s a picture of this street:

On the edge of town is the Basilica of Saint James which was built between the 10th and 12th centuries. This is a photo of the gilded wood sculptor behind the altar and the ceiling above it is all done in mosaic – just stunning.

 This is the waterfront part of Bellagio where several hotels and resturants are. We had lunch along here today by the lake then walked to Punta Spartivento which is right on the point of Bellagio to see the three arms of the lake.

In our guide book it says in Pescallo is a little fishing village, first developed village on the peninsula of Bellagio, and that there is a “suggestive little square”. Had to see that!

This is one of the little back streets in Pescallo.

And this is where we're staying!

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