Tuesday 17 May 2011

Barcelona....last day!!!

Wow! I can hardly believe that my time is up! I made the most of my day again and now hame at 4.30pm. Early for a change. After brekky I grabbed my bag and camera and off I went on the metro to the gothic area once again. I went into the Catedral de Barcelona, and it is undergoing renovations and very dark in side. Such a contrast to Sagrada Familia where all use of light is fundamental in it´s design. Here is one pic.

I then went into a Dali exhibition where there were numerous photos of him in various poses as well as a broad selection of his pictures and sculptures. It was actually a museum,low key, but interesting nonethe less. (It seems the Spanish version of blogger is putting my pics all at the start...so you will have to scroll up to look again at them..sorry about that!

The highlight of the day was a tour of the Palau de la Musica Catalana. This was not designed by Gaudi, but a contemporary of his. It was outstanding! They did not allow photos inside, but I managed a few outside. I have included them here. The interior had a huge glass dome shaped like a breast all stain glass to let the light in. the mosaicing inside and out was just beautiful. A worthwhile finale to my visit. Finally I enjoyed a last walk down La Rambla and then a visit to the produce market which just had the most amazing layout of food that I have ever seen. Cast your eyes on these final pics! I will be flying to London tomorrow for the final bit of my trip...xx

1 comment:

  1. Barcelona looks amazing. So glad you've enjoyed your time there. I can just see you going mosaic mad at home now! Safe flight to UK and I look forward to more of your blogs - you blogger, you!
