Friday 20 May 2011


'D' picked me up from Gatewick airport, which was miles away from where she lives, so I stuffed up there! It was such a relief to see her, and have my feet firmly on English soil! On the 2 hour journey by car to her gorgeous cottage in Denham, we talked and cried and shared lots of news together.

After a most scrumptious lunch of mouth watering lamb which had been slow cooking for 4 hours! ..we did a few tasks in the afternoon. Tim and Alan, D's kids are just superb fellas and I feel right at home. Beryl, D's mum is here for an extended stay and she is a hoot and makes the time very entertaining. Alan sat me down and explained the public transport system to me, most thoroughly I might add, ready for my journey into London the next day.

WEll, what a change having signs in English and people who speak the lingo too. I felt relaxed, took the underground and popped up right opposite Hyde Park, where a lovely little cafe beckoned, cappuccino, sitting in the sun with maps spread out plotting my route! First stop Buckingham Palace! ...bit late for the wedding, but never mind, at least there were not the crowds, and the gate had been polished and the fountains cleaned! Lizzie wasn't home, she must have had her dates of my arrival mixed up! Walking through the park, enjoying the London Plane Trees and the sunshine! Here deck chairs are set out for the pale English population to get their allotment of vitamin D! On I went passed the Ritz and on to Piccadilly Circus. Classic shot here of the cupid statue. Jumped on a bus and then headed down toward Westminster where I gazed on Nelson's Column and The National Gallery in the background. I went into the gallery to the 1800-1900 section (my favourite) and sat staring at Turner's, van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Seurat, Degas, in fact about 4-5 magic paintings from those artists in this section. When I finally walked out into the sunshine feeling calm and deeply moved...hark..a bell tolling! Big (bloody) Ben was calling me! Grabbed a quick Cappuccino and headed down passed Houses of Parliament, round the corner, and there he was in all his glory!
Such a landmark and all shiny in the sun. I scooted across the road to Westminster Abbey, where the great wedding was held not many days earlier! I felt they could have cleaned the entrance up a bit, it was looking a bit shabby!... but quite grand all the same.
Crossed Westminster Bridge and managed to get 3 classics in one shot, double decker bus (which I had the pleasure of riding on) Big Ben and the London Eye, which is massive! After walking over the Thames, which is really a larger version of the Yarra River, and the same colour! ..along South Bank passed the eye, I organised to meet Alan for lunch and finish the rest of the afternoon with him, enjoying other famous landmarks and the divine spring weather! I will add this section and photos in later today as I need to get ready and head off to Windsor for tea and scones and thick clotted cream!

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