Saturday 21 May 2011

Family Visit

My plan today was to catch a train to Milton Keynes to visit my 2nd cousin Edna. I had a most entertaining trip as it took nearly twice as long as planned as the railways were spending the day repairing the tracks! Thus I was transfered to a double decker bus and it took forever to get to Euston Station! From there the fast train was amazing and well worth the bus journey. Graham, Edna's son-in-law picked me up in a very sexy black audi sports car and we sped off back to the house. How wonderful to see Edna again and meet her daughter, Karen. We hadn't seen each other since 1998 I think! We all enjoyed a fabulous lunch with laughter and chatter. After, Edna and I had a lovely catch up about my Dad's early life in England, it was a fantastic visit, and I feel more English than ever. My extended family made me very welcome and I was saddened the time went so quickly. My trip home was smooth and very well coordinated, thanks to Graham with train times for me to follow and I made it back to D's house in 1hour 40 minutes! (Much better than the 3 1/2 it took earlier).
What will tomorrow have in store????

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having such a good time. How wonderful to meet more family members and learn about your Dad's early life there! Loving your blogs too!
